Swedish League #6, Middle (13/05/2017)
Category: Competition
Organiser: Rehns BK
Country: Sweden
Discipline: Middle
This race was my first race in a Swedish forest. My plan was to do a stable run without any bigger mistakes. My run was quite ok. Nevertheless I finished in 35th position with about 6 minutes behind the winner! It's really impressive to see how fast Swedish runners are in their forests.

My mistakes:
4: I was a bit unsure about my position just before the control.
5: I wasn't too accurate with my compass technique.
7: I didn't know where I was when I crossed the stream. Then I missed the control.
8: I wasn't too accurate with my compass technique.

The map and the terrain were simply amazing!! I really enjoyed running through the beautiful Swedish terrain.
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Swedish League #6, Middle (13/05/2017) Swedish League #6, Middle (13/05/2017)